Grenfell University

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Community Engaged Research

Speed networking: Five-minute collaborative chats

Speed Networking

In November the Grenfell Offices of Engagement and Research co-hosted a "speed networking" event during Memorial's Research Week 2023.

Community partners working in areas like health and wellness, municipal government, arts and culture, funding agencies and social enterprise came together with Grenfell Campus researchers to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

"This event was fun, but effective," said Jennifer Buxton, engagement co-ordinator, Office of Engagement. "Participants shifted to a new discussion partner every five minutes. Using this method, everyone in the room was able to hear from everyone else, and find opportunities that matched with their interests."

As a follow-up, the Office of Engagement will soon roll out a partnership building event.

In preparation for this event, the office is asking for feedback from the previous participants, to determine whom they would benefit from a follow-up conversation with and on which topic(s).

"The approach this time will be to group partners and researchers together on specific topics to collaboratively co-create a project for the purposes of research and/or teaching and learning," said Ms. Buxton. "This conversation will hopefully yield actionable next steps towards applying for funds as part of project and/or establishing a new initiative."

Anyone wishing to learn more about these collaborative activities should contact Ms. Buxton at